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Please watch this brief video from Dr. Julia Mossbridge that explains this project.
Video Transcript
Hey everyone! Welcome to the Precog Test Series.
This is a joint venture that’s sponsored by Mossbridge Institute and Windbridge Institute.
Our goal is to figure out the percentage of people who can consistently pick the correct target when given two abstract images and when the correct target is given to them within 24 to 48 hours after the prediction so, it’s not immediately after.
The one thing we ask of you is to try to make this fun. We don’t think it’s going to work if it’s not fun for you. There’s a lot of different methods for picking these choices. You can do associative remote viewing, image streaming, use a pendulum, use Choice Compass, or another app that works for you. Just consider making it fun and do what works for you.
At the end, we will let you know your score and if other challenges are coming your way.
Thanks for considering participating. We hope you read all the instructions and answer all the questions that we offer you as honestly as you can.
Have a great day and have a great project!
Project overview
This is an online-only project. You will not need to travel to take part. Participants will not be tested in our laboratory.
Motivation For the Project:
To find out what percentage of people can consistently predict a future event when there is a delay between the prediction and the feedback, and abstract images are used as proximal targets.
There are 10 days of this experiment, each with a precognition challenge. They are timed to be spread out over 2 work weeks. Each one will look essentially the same — you’ll see two abstract images and you’ll be asked to click on the image that you think is the correct target. Behind the scenes, we’ll be linking each of the precognition challenges to a real-world event, and we’ll send you an email as soon as we have the correct feedback for you. When you receive an email with that feedback, we’ll ask you to click on a link to indicate that you saw the feedback, then we’ll give you an opportunity to participate in the next challenge. After 10 challenges, we’ll crush some numbers and contact you if we create more challenges for you.
This is forced-choice precognition, which is a difficult task for most people. One of the best ways to manage it is to turn it for yourself into a game — you might use muscle testing, pendulums, image streaming, binaural beats — all to get a sense of the correct answer.
Data collection for this project will start on Monday, February 12, 2018, and continue until Friday, February 23, 2018 but no challenge will be due on a weekend (Monday-Friday due dates only).
To participate in Precognition Test Series, you must have the following characteristics:
–You are 18 or more years old,
–You currently reside in the United States,
–You have access to the Internet and can receive emails,
–You can read and write English easily.
If you have any questions please email
Thank you so much!
Julia Mossbridge, PhD, Mossbridge Institute, LLC
Mark Boccuzzi, The Windbridge Institute, LLC