Applied Intention

Status: In Progress


Under the Applied Intuition Research Program, we offer several innovative initiatives designed to explore and harness the power of intention. These programs include: Measuring PK Effects with Kirlian Photography, Psi-mediate Experimenter Effeccts, Group Intention, Intentional Datasets, E-Change, and others. Together, these programs aim to deepen our understanding of the interplay between intention and reality, empowering individuals and communities to effect positive change in their lives and the world around them.

Current Projects

Using Kirlian Photography to Detect the Potential Impact of Directed Intention on a Nonbiological Target: An Exploratory Study

This project utilizes Kirlian photography techniques to visualize and analyze psychokinetic (PK) effects, enabling participants to observe the subtle energy interactions that accompany intention-driven activities.

 The Parapsychological Association Research Endowment (PARE)

Other Support:
Kirlian Photography device supplied by Images SI (

Empirical Investigations of Parapsychological Experimenter Effects

When designing experimental methodologies and analyzing study results, it is important to keep in mind the potential impact of the experimenter’s consciousness. These effects may result from conscious intention or subconscious desire (the latter of which may oppose the former). This study aims to explore the methods and outcomes from different experiments varying in experimenter belief, desire, and intention.

Resulting Publications/Presentations:

Visualizing Intention: Art Informed by Science
Boccuzzi, M (2015)

Can the power of our thoughts influence the physical world around us? What if we could see our intentions, hopes, and fears displayed before us? Could these images allow us to connect with our deeper selves, others, and departed loved ones? Windbridge Institute husband and wife research team, Mark Boccuzzi and Julie Beischel, PhD, spent a year exploring these and other questions relating to consciousness's extended nature and the connections between our minds and the physical world.

[Learn more here]

Application of Digital Infrared Thermographic Imaging to Macroscopic Psychokinetic Phenomena Reported During Séances with a Physical Medium

This exploratory research aims to document macroscopic psychokinetic phenomena in a séance room during multiple sessions with a physical medium using digital infrared thermographic imaging (DITI) and other environmental monitoring equipment.

This project is made possible by the generous support of the Parapsychological Association’s Gilbert Roller Fund. [Press Release]

Resulting Publications/Presentations:

Boccuzzi, M. (2017). Application of Digital Infrared Thermographic Imaging (DITI) and Other Monitors for Documenting Physical Phenomena during Sittings with a Medium. Threshold: Journal Of Interdisciplinary Consciousness Studies, 1(2), 37-50. Retrieved from

Applying Consciousness-Based Interventions to Climate Action (A multi-center collaboration)

Ventola, A., Boccuzzi, M., D’León, R., Álvarez, A., Totaro, M. (2022, June). An Exploration of Air CO2 Sequestration Using Consciousness-Based Interventions for Climate Action. [Conference session]. Joint conference of the Society for Scientific Exploration (SSE) and the Parapsychological Association (PA). [See blog post]

For More Information:

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