Status: In Progress
This program encompasses various study areas, including predictive crowdsourcing, precognitive dreaming, symbolic machines, immersive real-time virtual and augmented reality computer applications, web and mobile apps, group-focused collaborative and competitive board and card games, and custom-developed presentiment wearables. The primary objective is to assess and enhance individuals' intuitive abilities. Our program emphasizes Task Optimization, wherein we create tailored psi testing and training tasks to suit the specific needs, preferences, and motivations of each participant.
Resulting Publications/Presentations/Applications:
Psi Task Optimization
Boccuzzi, M. (2019, June). Looking for Psi in All the Wrong Places: Task Optimization in Psi Research. Presented at the 38th Annual Meeting of the Society for Scientific Exploration. Broomfield, Colorado.
While experimental parapsychology employs standardized protocols like presentiment and remote viewing to study psi, individual participant differences may impact test outcomes, suggesting a need for customization. Task Optimization, tailoring psi tasks to participants' cognitive styles, may significantly influence laboratory experiment results, especially in populations not traditionally considered “high performers” on psi tasks.
Precognitive Remote Viewing
To better characterize the relations between accuracy on precognitive remote viewing (PRV) tasks and potentially relevant trait, state, and target parameters, we gathered PRV data in two online experiments and examined accuracy relative to: sex-at-birth, gender, age, anxiety, unconditional love, and target interestingness.
Mossbridge, J., Cameron, K., & Boccuzzi, M. . (2024). State, Trait, and Target Parameters Associated with Accuracy in Two Online Tests of Precognitive Remote Viewing. Journal of Anomalous Experience and Cognition, 4(1), 88–121.
A PDF of the full paper can be downloaded HERE.
The Positive Precognition Training Site
Working in collaboration with Julia Mossbridge, PhD, and Theresa Cheung, authors of The Premonition Code: The Science of Precognition, How Sensing the Future Can Change Your Life, Mark Boccuzzi, co-founder of The Windbridge Institute, developed the accompanying Practice and Testing website for the book.
The website guides users through the six steps of the Positive Precognition process, enabling them to test and monitor their progress. It includes a Hall of Fame page to showcase top performers, educational resources, quizzes, and the option to submit score data for an ongoing precognition experiment.
Couples’ Psi
Have you ever felt connected to your partner from across the room? Across the street? Across the country? Have you experienced knowledge, sensations, or emotions related to your partner from a distance?
Resulting Publications/Presentations:
“Telepathy between Couples: Is it Real?” on (2/12/2013) [Local Archive]
Precognitive Dreaming
This project focuses on the 20% to 30% of the population who rarely or never recall their dreams. Instead of focusing on dream content for precognitive insights, participants report their sleep quality, and correlations are made between global sleep quality data and world events. Data are collected through a self-report app, and more recently biometric data are collected with wearables. While some participants prefer not to remember their dreams, those who do are provided with information about lucid dreaming, dream journaling, and similar techniques.
Psi-Based Board Games
These kits contain a set of flexible components for creating custom games. These games can be used for psi testing and training and to provide psi-related experiences to people who do not typically experience psi. To successfully complete the games, players must rely on their intuition, not traditional strategic planning or deductive reasoning. Games can be single-player, multiplayer, collaborative, or corporative. Kits come with different environments and genres to be mixed and matched to appeal to the motivations and interests of the player(s).
While this project is listed in our Applied Intuition program, the game designs incorporate opportunities for other psi modalities, including telepathy, clairvoyance, and psychokinesis. As such, they should be considered a platform for general ESP (GESP) research, testing, and personal psi development.
Psi Practice Apps
To provide people with opportunities to experience their psi, this project focuses on developing free psi practice apps. These apps are designed to be experiential and not part of a formal experiment. As such, user data are not collected by the system. This approach removes any additional performance anxiety from the users, who can simply focus on having a fun and educational experience.
A Dog’s Tale (pictured) is a short game that lets the player direct Barkley the Dog through a forest to find as many of Barkley’s lost toys as possible. Players will need to rely solely on their intuition to find the maximum number of toys. The game was specifically designed to be slow-paced and meditative. This approach allows players to take their time as they direct Barkley along the path and pay attention to how they feel when they make accurate intuitive choices.
Crowdsourcing Psi
This ongoing project asks the question, “If a group of people is given the chance to vote on the outcome of a future event under blinded conditions, can the simple majority of the participants accurately predict that outcome?”
To explore this, a set of custom online tools are being developed and tested.
An early attempt at this protocol is documented in this News Post.
Real-Time 3D / Virtual Reality-Based Intuition Training and Testing
This project focuses on applied research with multi-user, 3D, virtual, and augmented reality simulations. Domains include danger avoidance, asset recovery, urban and wilderness search and rescue, disaster relief, and resource acquisition (survival). Accurate intuition is required to successfully complete simulated time-sensitive or high-risk tasks.
These videos highlight some of the features and interactions with these systems.
Symbolic Machines and Other Exploratory Psi-Conducive Devices
Exploring the relationships between psi-tools, belief, expectation, and the utilization of the “Human Instrument.”
Boccuzzi, M. (2018, June). When pundits fail, psi prevails: Using a symbolic Hieronymus machine to accurately predict voting outcomes in battleground states during the 2016 U.S. presidential election. Presented at the 37th Annual Meeting of the Society for Scientific Exploration (joint conference with the International Remote Viewing Association). Las Vegas, Nevada.
Precog with Diminished Targets and Untrained Viewers
This project investigates psi performance in inexperienced populations without prior training using diminished targets within an Associative Remote Viewing (ARV) task.
The pilot test, The Precognitive Test Series (now closed), was conducted in collaboration with Mossbridge Institute, LLC. Further research is still ongoing.
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