July 2017: Mediumship and Afterlife Research has moved to the Windbridge Research Center

The new Windbridge Research Center is an Arizona non-profit organization [IRS 501(c)(3) status pending] dedicated to performing rigorous scientific research and creating educational materials focused on dying, death, and what comes next.

The mediumship research previously conducted here at the Windbridge Institute, LLC will now take place at the Windbridge Research Center. Dr. Julie Beischel will continue this research as the Center’s Director of Research.

Going forward, The Windbridge Institute, LLC will now focus exclusivity on applied research in the areas of Mindfulness, Intuition, and Intention, with the goal of developing and distributing information, services, and technologies that allow people to reach their full potential so they can live happier, healthier, and more fulfilling lives.

For more information about the newly formed Windbridge Research Center, please visit http://www.Windbridge.org