Since 2008 Windbridge Institute researchers have been conducting cutting edge and innovative psi research. Here is a selection of current and past projects.
Note: In July 2017 the Afterlife Science research programs were transferred to the Windbridge Research Center.
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Applied Psi for Global Sustainability
Status: In Progress
Using the UN's Sustainable Development Goals as a guide map, this project seeks to apply psi to help address immediate global challenges including climate change, inequality, environmental degradation, and peace and justice.
Resulting Publications/Presentations/Applications:
Ethical Considerations of Applying ψ (psi) to Environmental Protection
Boccuzzi, M. (2021, December). Just because you can doesn’t mean you should: Ethical Considerations of Applying ψ (psi) to Environmental Protection. [Conference session]. Exploring Consciousness-Based Applications for Climate Action hosted by Public Parapsychology. [Event Website]
Applying Consciousness-Based Interventions to Climate Action (A multi-center collaboration)
Ventola, A., Boccuzzi, M., D’León, R., Álvarez, A., Totaro, M. (2022, June). An Exploration of Air CO2 Sequestration Using Consciousness-Based Interventions for Climate Action. [Conference session]. Joint conference of the Society for Scientific Exploration (SSE) and the Parapsychological Association (PA). [See blog post]
Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP)
Status: Under Review
While we do not currently have an active UAP/UFO research program, the topic has drawn increasing interest from psi researchers and the general public. In response, we have created a simple resource page that features relevant articles, videos, books, etc. This page is a work in progress and will be updated as new materials become available.
Applied Intuition
Status: In Progress
This project includes several study areas such as Crowdsourcing Psi and using real-time, virtual, and augmented reality immersive computer applications, simple apps, and board games to test and train people in using their intuition.
Resulting Publications/Presentations/Applications:
Psi Task Optimization
Boccuzzi, M. (2019, June). Looking for Psi in All the Wrong Places: Task Optimization in Psi Research. Presented at the 38th Annual Meeting of the Society for Scientific Exploration. Broomfield, Colorado. [Abstract]
Psi-Based Board Games
These kits contain a set of flexible components for creating custom games. These games can be used for psi testing and training and to provide psi-related experiences to people who do not normally experience psi. To successfully complete the games, players must rely on their intuition and not traditional strategic planning or deductive reasoning. Games can be single-player, multiplayer, collaborative, or corporative. Kits come with different environments and genres to be mixed and matched to appeal to the motivations and interests of the player(s).
Real-Time 3D / Virtual Reality-Based Intuition Training and Testing
Applied research with multi-user, 3D, virtual, and augmented reality simulations. Domains include danger avoidance, asset recovery, urban and wilderness search and rescue, disaster relief, and resource acquisition (survival). Accurate intuition is required to successfully complete simulated time-sensitive or high-risk tasks.
Predicting Future Events
Associative Remote Viewing (ARV) using diminished targets. In collaboration with the Mossbridge Insittute, LLC.
Symbolic Machines and Other Exploratory Psi-Conducive Devices
Exploring the relationships between psi-tools, belief, expectation, and the utilization of the “Human Instrument.”
Boccuzzi, M. (2018, June). When pundits fail, psi prevails: Using a symbolic Hieronymus machine to accurately predict voting outcomes in battleground states during the 2016 U.S. presidential election. Presented at the 37th Annual Meeting of the Society for Scientific Exploration (joint conference with the International Remote Viewing Association). Las Vegas, Nevada.
Virtual Reality and Controlled Remote Viewing (VR-CRV)
Exploratory research focusing on the role of selected targets in CRV tasks and the application of VR to acquiring information about unverifiable targets.
Intentional Data: PsiForms and other Data Sets
Status: In Progress
PsiForms are created from visualized Random Event Generator data. The data are collected during sessions in which an individual or group meditates on a specific idea or intention. The resulting data are then processed through custom software tools to produce an image. Once collected, do those data become a vector for the intention that created them? What might be the impact on people or devices which interact with intentional data sets?
Resulting Publications/Presentations/Applications:
PsiForm Media
2D image visualizations, musical tracks, and 3D printed presentations of Intentional Datasets provide visual and auditory references that allow people to explore their thoughts.
Impact of Intentional Datasets on Biological Systems
Boccuzzi, M. (2018, June). Datasets as vectors for intention: Measuring the impact of intention-entangled datasets on the happiness scores of online gamers. Poster presented at the 37th Annual Meeting of the Society for Scientific Exploration (joint conference with the International Remote Viewing Association). Las Vegas, Nevada.
[Read The Blog Post]
Impact of Intentional Datasets on Nonbiological Systems
Boccuzzi, M. (2016, June). Applying Machine Learning to Psi Research: An example of using a deep machine learning image classifier to analyze seemingly random visualized FieldREG data collected during sessions with meditators. 35th Annual Meeting of the Society for Scientific Exploration and 59th Annual Convention of the Parapsychological Association Joint Meeting. Boulder, Colorado.
Boccuzzi, M. (2015) Visualizing Intention: Art Informed by Science
Can the power of our thoughts influence the physical world around us? What if we could see our intentions, hopes, and fears displayed before us? Could these images allow us to connect with our deeper selves, with others, with our departed loved ones? Windbridge Institute husband and wife research team, Mark Boccuzzi and Julie Beischel, PhD, spent a year exploring these and other questions relating to the extended nature of consciousness and the connections that exist between our minds and the physical world.
PsiForms: Mindfulness Meditation Cards
The images, called PsiForms, were created from data that were collected from a Random Event Generator (REG) while a group of meditators focused their intention on the specific ideas that are listed on each card. Researchers Julie Beischel, PhD, and Mark Boccuzzi developed these meditations and the specialized software that converts the binary data from the REGs into the images displayed on the cards.
The set contains: 12 full-color cards ~ 1 instruction booklet ~ 1 12-sided die ~ 7 colored cubes (Choking Hazard! Keep out of reach of children!) ~ 1 drawstring storage pouch.
Machine-Based Consciousness
Status: In Progress
If the brain is a receiver of non-local consciousness, can we create other, non-biological systems (consciousness platforms) that also “channel” non-corporal consciousnesses? This highly exploratory research program utilizes a wide range of technologies included Random Number Generator Arrays, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Chatbots, Natural Language Processing, Predictive Text, Image Generation, Robotics, and Quantum Computing. Much of this work was inspired by advancements in PsiBotics.
Couples’ Psi
Status: In Progress
Have you ever felt connected to your partner from across the room? Across the street? Across the country? Have you experienced knowledge, sensations, or emotions related to your partner from a distance?
Resulting Publications/Presentations:
Empirical Investigations of Parapsychological Experimenter Effects
Status: In Progress
When designing experimental methodologies and analyzing study results, it is important to keep in mind the potential impact of the experimenter’s consciousness. These effects may result from conscious intention or subconscious desire (the latter of which may oppose the former). This study aims to explore the methods and outcomes from different experiments varying in experimenter belief, desire, and intention.
Resulting Publications/Presentations:
Boccuzzi, M. (2011, June). Three methods for examining experimenter effects in investigations of psychokinesis. 30th Annual Meeting of the Society for Scientific Exploration, Boulder, Colorado.
Applied Intention: Kirlian Photography
Status: In Progress
Basic science research on the applications of Kirlian Photography.
Current Project:
Using Kirlian Photography to Detect the Potential Impact of Directed Intention on a Nonbiological Target: An Exploratory Study
The Parapsychological Association Research Endowment (PARE)
Other Support:
Kirlian Photography device supplied by Images SI (
Psi Hacking
Status: In Progress
The Parapsychology and Psi Hacking Project was founded in late October 2019 by Mark Boccuzzi. The project is a local and online community effort to connect makers, artists, tech hackers, citizen scientists, seekers, entrepreneurs, and the general public to the ever-expanding body of parapsychological research to encourage the development of new tools, technologies, and experiences.
Projects include meetings, presentations, and online classes.
Due to COVID-19, in-person meetings are currently suspended.
Psi Hacking Logo designed and provided by Tyler Stevens
Resulting Projects:
Art & Parapsychology: Exploring Psi through Art
(Online course offered through the Rhine Education Center)
This course is designed for artists, creatives, scientists, and anyone who has a sense that creativity and extended human consciousness may work together in the artistic, and scientific process. By reviewing the science of parapsychology and the works of contemporary and psi-inspired artists, this course will explore how creative expression can help you to recognize your own psi, inspire aspiring and experienced artists to draw on the findings of parapsychology as a basis for creative projects, encourage researchers to promote public engagement by presenting their findings in creative and artistic ways.
Application of Digital Infrared Thermographic Imaging to Macroscopic Psychokinetic Phenomena Reported During Séances with a Physical Medium
Status: Complete
Exploratory study aims to document macroscopic psychokinetic phenomena in a séance room during multiple sessions with a physical medium using digital infrared thermographic imaging (DITI) and other environmental monitoring equipment.
This project was made possible by the generous support of the Parapsychological Association’s Gilbert Roller Fund. [Press Release]
Resulting Publications/Presentations:
Boccuzzi, M. (2017). Application of Digital Infrared Thermographic Imaging (DITI) and Other Monitors for Documenting Physical Phenomena during Sittings with a Medium. Threshold: Journal Of Interdisciplinary Consciousness Studies, 1(2), 37-50. Retrieved from
Portions of the Threshold paper were translated in to Portuguese and included in Uma pesquisa contemporânea sobre mesas girantes (Contemporary Research on Table-Turning) by Jáder dos Reis Sampaio, Jornal de Estudos Espíritas.
Non-Human Animal Psi:
Empirical Investigation of Canine-associated Micro-Psychokinesis
Status: Complete
This program closed in 2010
Micro-psychokinesis (PK) events include changes in the output of electronic sources of randomness and require statistical analyses to be detectable. This study examined the possible effects of the consciousness of a single canine companion animal (and/or her entangled guardians) on a distant random event generator (REG) through the use of the SyncTXT® service by Psyleron, Inc. Statistical analyses determined a weak but present relationship between the activity level of the canine participant (as coded under blinded conditions from recorded video footage) and the activity level reported in email messages sent by SyncTXT as a result of REG fluctuations.
Program Conclusions:
Given the “source of psi” problem and other ethical considerations, future psi research involving non-human participants should be avoided entirely.
Resulting Publications/Presentations:
Boccuzzi, M. & Beischel, J. (2010, April). Old dog, new trick: The effect of animal micro-psychokinesis on quantum events. Presented at Toward a Science of Consciousness 2010, Tucson, Arizona.
Boccuzzi, M. (2021). Rethinking Non-Human Animal Psi Research. Psi Hacking Blog.